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'Life is a rollercoaster......'

'...… you've just got to ride it'

a mug sitting on a desk with the gallery in the background
Lisa does it with acrylics (and other stuff)

Thanks for that Ronan.

So - my very first blog post on my shiny new website! Blimey. I’ve finally taken the plunge and dived head first into my new life as an artist. I learned a very important thing from the very lovely people, Eleanor and Matt

who built this website for me, which was all about being 75% ready. The principle was that if we wait until we’re 100% ready to do something, we’ll never do it, because you’re never 100% ready for anything. The premise is that being 75% ready is ‘ready enough’. That means to get to 100% you have to start swimming. Or, start riding the roller coaster! The only option is to drive forward and momentum naturally builds.

Well. Here I am. It’s already mid June and I’m just getting used to driving my website.

So much has been happening! I left my full-time corporate job after 23 years at the end of April this year (which was a wrench, I’m not going to lie), took a (very) deep breath and jumped into my artwork full time. I was 75% ready. And, I’m swimming.

I had already been part of a cooperative of 7 other artists, and we set up and opened Indigo Crow on 20th April this year which is a gallery, artisan shop and workshop space in Lincoln. It’s amazing! We’re going from strength to strength, and I already feel like this has always been my life.

I’ve delivered 2 workshops at Indigo Crow so far where my students have produced some exciting and vibrant work and I’ll be doing more soon. Gelli Plate printing is fun and spontaneous, and anyone can do it, plus an introduction to abstract oil and cold wax painting and a lino cut Christmas card workshop is coming up (but let's have summer first!). I’ve decided that delivering workshop sessions must be good for me judging by how much I ached when I got home! (all that lugging stuff in and out of the car and being on my feet all day after ‘desk driving’ for a living!) I have connected with so many likeminded people and all the creative energy is galvanising, supportive and exciting. Loving it!

Lisa Tank demonstrating at an oil and cold wax workshop
Abstract oil and cold wax demo
Examples of Gelli P[late printing at a workshop
Gelli Plate examples

Had a quick 5 day break in beautiful Suffolk, staying in Orford, in May which inspired me to get painting. Jelly Green’s exhibition, ‘Conflagration’ at Snape Maltings was incredible as was Maggi Hambling’s show. So much richness.

Orford quay boats on the water in evening light
From Orford Quay in the evening light
Marketing material flyer for an art exhibition 'Freedom!' by Lisa Tank
Feet in sandals on a pebbly beach
Dunwich Beach (until it got too cold!)

Talking about exhibitions, I’ve got a solo show coming up 15th – 28th July at Gallery at St. Martins in Lincoln (did you see what I did there? 😊). It will be bright and colourful with lots of new work and is called ‘Freedom!’ I really hope you can make it. I’m having a little drinky and nibbly ‘do’ from 2pm until 5pm on the middle Saturday (20th July) – please consider yourself invited.

Oooh! And the thing that happened in April that was exciting was being selected to exhibit at The Mall Galleries in that London with the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours. That was amazing and I was so delighted to have had a piece (‘Heathland’) selected for the show. How cool eh? Aaaand, that now makes it twice that I have exhibited at The Mall Galleries. I also had a piece selected (by Ian H Watkins no less) for the annual ING Discerning Eye exhibition last November. I really hope this is going to be a continuing theme! Watch this space!

The Mall Galleries in London sign
What it says on the tin
An art gallery filled with people The Mall Galleries London
Inside the RI Painters in Watercolours exhibition

I was also pleased to be invited by Lisa Banks to take part in a wonderful show she curated at Wisbech Art Gallery ‘Why do we Celebrate Women’s Art?’ during April. What a wonderful building the gallery is in. The gallery space itself is stunning with lovely high ceilings with original cornicing and wonderful big sash windows overlooking the river.

I am delighted to have had a piece selected for the Open 24 at Tarpey Gallery in Castle Donnington 27th July - 8th September. Luke Tarpey always selects great shows and the opening 'do' is always fun! Always worth calling in as there are some amazing artists and artwork on show

A poster fpr an art exhibition at Tarpey Gallery in Castle Donnington 27th July - 8th September
Open 24 Exhibition Tarpey Gallery

I’ve been busy filling my section of the shop at Indigo Crow with some lovely things (even if I do say so myself!). Vibrant and slightly bonkers sunglasses, beautifully made (by my friend Ann) wash and cosmetics bags using my designed fabric, silky scarves, rings, earrings, pendants and necklaces, and FLIP FLOPS! Hahahaa, we all need sunnies, a bucket hat (also available! #justsayin) and flip flops for when summer finally decides to appear. Pocket mirrors made from my paintings, badges (who doesn’t love a button badge?) and mugs and ‘things’.

Bonkers sunnies

I don’t know how long blog posts are supposed to be, so on that note and back to the music theme I started this post with…………. ‘This could be the greatest day of our lives………………’ (ta TT 😊) …………stay tuned kids!


I've loved catching up with your news Lisa. Your newsletter was a joy to read and I love this website. It's easy to navigate and bright and breezy, just like you. I wish you every success in your new life as a full time artist. You're swimming well and I know you're going to grow and grow in your new career. I hope to come to a workshop before too long.

Replying to

oh Julie! You are so kind, thank you. I've got something in my eye now.......! Hope to see you seoon :-)

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